Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Lily's Home

Lily and I arrived in the US this morning around 8:40 am. I can't speak for Lily, but I know that I am definitely feeling the effects of jet lag. I would bet, however, that she is, too. She has cried more than she did while we had her back in China.

It's so good to be back home. No more hotel rooms. No more brushing your teeth in bottled water. No more long waits in line (at least for the time being). No more rush rush rush around every day without any decent down time.

Now it's all about getting used to her new digs. Now we can drink straight from the tap again. Most importantly, it's all about getting to know mommy. She's doing okay so far, considering what she's just gone through (Lily, that is...not mommy, although mommy's doing okay, too). Lily still is a little cautious with Julie, but she has let her hold her for brief times. And she even let her kiss her (as you can see) without her pulling away. And I think Julie got more initial smiles than I did with Lily back in China. Hopefully that's a good sign.

I will continue to post in the days to come if you wish to keep on following along. I still plan to post more pictures of our trip. Lily's baptism is scheduled for Sunday, so I'm sure we'll have pictures of that, too. Since Lily isn't yet too keen on baths, we thought about trying a dry run (can you have a "dry run" of a baptism?), getting her used to water on her head so we don't have a meltdown at the font.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that you are both safe and sound at home. Julie you look good there with that little girl of yours. Hope everything is going well. Keep up the good work. Lily will be up and running by the time she is one. Keep the posting coming Kurt, I love seeing the pictures of everyone. Miss you all. God bless

Rick, Linda and kids

Anonymous said...

Glad you made it home safe, which I had no doubt, under the circumstances.

Julie, that is a good picture. I know it will not take Lily long to adapt to her new surroundings.

She is such a cutie.

Love you all.
Rose Jones

Anonymous said...

I love this picture of Julie and Lily!! See you Saturday!! I am looking forward to meeting my new granddaughter.


P.S. Have to start adding Grandma O to my sign-offs.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

I've been following you all over China! Glad you're back in the good ol' USA! Lily is such a cutie pie! God bless you guys and I'll be thinking of you Sunday as you baptize her.

Dawn Marie

Anonymous said...

What a good picture. It's good to see Lily with her mama.
I have loved following you along your road to new beginnings. I will continue to follow and pray for all of you.
Keep up the pictures. We would love to watch Lily grow.

Many blessings on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

There's no place like home and when your time clock catches up to you (one week) both of you will feel better. Welcome Home!

Gerry & Suzanne

Anonymous said...
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